The year 1934 brought something new and exciting into the staid and normal life of the country
town of New Fairfield; something that probably it never would have seen but for the nerve and
initiative of a little band of men, both young and old, who could foresee the need of a growing
town, who met in the Town Hall and formed the New Fairfield Volunteer Fire Company on
November 13, 1934.
At the beginning, the Company had no apparatus, not even pails or ladders, but this did not
phase the men, they had faith that they would find a way to get things rolling. Between October 1934 and December 1935, things really got on there way. The idea was taking hold with a vengeance. During this time the Congregational Cemetery Association voted to give a
site with a frontage of 75 feet for the erection of a firehouse, provided the town would vote to build one. At a town meeting a resolution to be a firehouse was past by a vote of 89 for and 5 against.
The original firehouse still sits across from the current Town Hall and now houses the Board Of Education. CO A moved to its present location which is pictured above. The current location houses 2 attack pumpers (engines), a medium duty rescue truck, 2 tankers (1800 & 3000 gal), CO A ambulance, a 100' aerial truck, and old engine #1 (a 1932 Ford).