The New Fairfield Volunteer Fire Department wishes to make the community aware that there are companies currently telephone calling residents and businesses asking for donations to “support your local fire department.” NFVFD does not recognize or endorse any telemarketing solicitation company. Some of these telemarketing companies do not even know which district they are calling and cannot name our town when calling residents.
NFVFD has one Letter Drive Fundraiser each year (currently in process) and we always give local contact information if you have any questions. If you are unsure as to the legitimacy of a fundraising campaign please call the NFVFD Chief, email NFVFD, or call the Selectman’s office for more information.
Most of these companies are legitimate organizations in legal terms. What they will fail to tell you is that only a very small portion of your donation will actually make back into the town you reside, if any. So, these companies are legitimate, but only pennies on the dollar make it back to any communities.
All donations made to NFVFD are tax deductible and are used 100% to fund the operations and expenses of the New Fairfield Fire Department. We are all volunteer service that prides itself on its ability and reputation to protect and serve New Fairfield.
Your generous donations allow us to sustain our operational and administrative activities—from purchasing life saving equipment to recruiting and training the next generation of volunteer Firefighter/EMTs and maintaining the facilities where the personnel and equipment are housed.
Through your kind monetary donations we continue to serve our mission in providing the best emergency services to protect our communities, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Please send your tax
deductible donation to:
NFVFD treasurer
PO Box 8307
New Fairfield, CT 06812
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